Updates to keep your TM5 in top shape.

Our team is always working to give you the best Thermomix experience, so your connected TM5 can also get smarter with age. We are excited to share these brand new TM5 functionalities with you!
Thermomix TM5 with Cook-key

Keep your TM5 up to date with the latest software advancements. 

Thermomix gets smarter with each update, adding features designed to bring you the latest technology available and we are beyond thrilled to share these brand new TM5 functionalities with you! This TM5 software update will begin rolling out from 25 May, so keep an eye out and, once prompted, simply complete your latest software update (update 2.11) using a Cook-Key to access them. The software update is being gradually rolled out worldwide and may take a few weeks to reach every connected TM5.

Haven’t got a Cook-Key?

If you haven’t yet got  a Cook-Key for your TM5, then now is the time! Using Wi-Fi connection and plugging straight into your TM5, the Cook-Key wirelessly connects to Cookidoo, so you can enjoy guided cooking on your TM5 and also unlock access to new updates, just like this one.

Now, let’s get familiar with these updates!

1. Smart cooldown

From your next software update (update 2.11), your TM5 will have a smart cooldown feature as per the TM6. Based on temperature and quantity, the TM5 will incorporate a cooldown step between 0-20 seconds into the cooking time (for both guided and manual cooking) before opening the locking arms.

The time remaining is visible on the time dial (and the temperature and speed dials are greyed out during this cooldown stage.

The lid will not unlock until the cooldown time is completed (you can’t opt out of the step by pressing the silver rotary dial).

For example, you’re cooking a delicious soup recipe at 100˚C, and are up to a 20-minute cooking step:

  • A 20-second cooldown will be applied, based on the temperature and quantity of ingredients involved.
  • The heating will end at 19:40 minutes, and the 20 second cooldown will commence. 
  • After the cooldown, the locking arms will open.

You then add in some cream to make your soup even more delicious, and have a further 3-minute cooking step:

  • A 20-second cooldown will again be incorporated.
  • The heating will end at 2:40 minutes, and a 20-second cooldown will commence.
  • After the cooldown, the locking arms will open and you can enjoy your soup

2. Improved sync speed

Syncing recipes is made more efficient with a faster synchronization, and speeds of up to half the time if you’re starting off with an empty Cook-Key.


3. Pre-clean mode

Once you’ve pre-cleaned your bowl, the pre-clean screen will automatically shut off.


As well as these updates there are a few other improvements that will help your TM5 to run even smoother than before. The TM5 software update has begun rolling out and will be coming to every TM5 with a Cook-Key soon. So have your Cook-Key ready and be sure to complete the update when prompted.

Ready for an upgrade? Our smart, connected Thermomix TM6 comes with all these features and more, with regular software updates automatically made to your appliance for improvement and innovation! Chat to your Consultant to learn more or book a virtual or in-home Cooking Experience to see the TM6 in action for yourself.